Jenna {Senior}

I have known this girl her entire life!! Growing up, her sister and I were in the same class, and then we both became big sisters at the same time. Jenna and my brother were in the same class and we all went to the same school together for many years. They are some of my dearest childhood family friends! It was an honor to be asked to take Jenna’s senior pictures. Jenna is sarcastic, quick-witted, a little goofy (in a good way!), and so smart. I’m excited to see what her future holds, I know she will do big things 🙂

Oh, and she killed this session. I almost couldn’t believe how pretty and grown-up she looked!!! I love these so much and had a great time shooting with her and her momma!

Heart eyes. So pretty!
Prior to our session I did a little investigating and discovered that Jenna has a gift for languages. She has been involved with a Japanese exchange program through her school and set out to teach herself Japanese. She taught herself Icelandic. Icelandic! I’m pretty sure she was going for cool and off-the-wall with that one… She is fluent in Spanish and is casually learning French from her said Spanish base. I think all of this is incredible. I took the liberty of having a little fun with a trip to the library – I wanted to find a way to showcase this gift of hers. Thankfully she humored my idea! She would not have boasted this about herself, I’m sure, but it was just too good not to brag about for her.
Love, love, love this one!!! Jenna, you are beautiful!
