Pensacola, FL {September 2016}

Wes and I had the perfect little beach getaway over the last several days! We found a great condo in Pensacola, FL – awesome ocean view, pool, and access to the beach. Thankful that we got to spend this time with Wes’ brother, sister-in-law, and our sweet, little niece!!! And we got super lucky with perfect weather & no hurricanes 😀 Here’s a peak into our relaxing time at the beach!


And a few iPhone shots!
We arrived in Pensacola on Saturday evening, 9/10. Sunday was our first day at the beach, and at some point we commented how cool it would be to see the Blue Angels perform there as they have shows each July right on the beach. That evening after dinner we went out for a walk and, lo and behold, I see a formation of planes in the distance on the gulf side. The Blue Angels turned and did one pass over the beach right above us. It was such a neat and touching moment as I know it had to have been in commemoration of the 9/11 attacks 15 years ago to the day.

Goodbye summer!